The 68HC11 (also abbreviated as 6811 or HC11) is an 8-bit microcontroller that was introduced by Motorola in the year 1984. The production of these chips was later done by Freescale semiconductor. Currently they are fabricated by NXP semiconductors which acquired Freescale semiconductor.
I have listed some of the basic features of 68HC11 family of microcontrollers in the next section; however, it is important to keep in mind that, you can access the detailed and latest specifications from the official documentation for that particular device you are working with from the manufacturerโs website.
Microcontroller & Peripheral Related Features
Some of the basic features of 68HC11 microcontrollers include:
- Fully static chip design using an 8-bit M68HC11 core.
- Clock speed of 5 MHz.
- 0/256/512/768/1024 bytes on-chip RAM (in different variants).
- 0/12/20 kB of on-chip ROM or EPROM (in different variants).
- 0/512/2048 bytes on-chip EEPROM (in different variants).
- Power saving STOP and WAIT modes
- Available in six different package styles.
- Asynchronous non-return-to-zero (NRZ) serial communication interface (SCI).
- Synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI).
- Eight-channel.
- 8-bit analog-to-digital converter.
- 16-bit timer system including three input capture channels.
- Four output compare channels.
- Additional channel configurable as an input or an output channel.
- 8-bit pulse accumulator.
- 38 general-purpose I/O pins including 16 bidirectional I/O pins.
- 11 input only pins, and 11 output only pins.
Architecture and Pin Connection Diagrams
The figure below illustrates the architecture of the 68HC11 family of microcontrollers:
The pin connection diagrams are shown in Figure 1.1 (56-pin SDIP package) and Figure 1.2 (48-pin DIP package). DIP and SDIP stand for dual in-line package and shrink dual in-line package.
Also read: Microcontroller Architectures
Figure 1.2 68HC11 in the 48-pin DIP package
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