Tag: Programming microcontrollers
ADD Instruction in Intel 8051 (MCS-51) Microcontroller
The ADD instruction tells the microcontroller’s CPU to add the source byte to register A and put the result in register A. Recall, A is the accumulator register typically used for all arithmetic and logic instructions. The ADD instruction is usually in the following form: ADD A, source ; ADD the source operand to the…
The Procedure for Designing a Microcontroller-Based System
In envisaging a new microcontroller design, it is prudent to follow a design procedure that will take you from the initial problem statement to a programmed microcontroller that can be embedded in application hardware. In this article, we look at key steps to follow when you are designing a new microcontroller-based system. Describe the Problem…
Device Programmers for PIC Microcontrollers
Once the program is written and translated into executable code, the resulting HEX file is loaded to the target microcontroller’s program memory with the aid of a device programmer. The type of device programmer depends on the type microcontroller to be programmed. For instance, some device programmers can only program PIC16 series, whereas some can…
Development Boards for PIC Microcontrollers Programming
Development boards are helpful microcontroller learning tools. Simple development boards contain just a microcontroller and the required clock circuitry. More sophisticated development boards contain LEDs, pushbuttons, LCD, serial ports, USB port, power supply circuit, device programming hardware, and so forth. Some of the commercially available PIC18 microcontroller development boards include: PICDEM 2 Plus This development…
Basic Elements of an Arduino UNO Revision 3 Board
Arduino is a small-sized microcontroller board with supplementary components that has been designed to facilitate the use of a microcontroller in control projects. The basic board, Arduino UNO Revision 3, uses the 8-bit Atmel microcontroller, ATmega328P. The board has a universal serial bus (USB) plug to enable it to be directly connected to a computer…
Software Development Tools for a Microcontroller Programmer
Software development tools are computer programs typically run on PCs that allow the programmer or system developer to create, modify and test applications programs. Some of the common software development tools include: Text Editors A text editor is usually used to create or edit programs and text files. The Windows OS comes with a text…