8-bit microprocessors are limited in their speed (the number of instructions that can be executed in 1 s), directly addressable…
The figure below illustrates the key elements of a temperature measurement system employing a MC68HC11 microcontroller. Fig: Temperature measurement system…
Data registers are used in microcomputers to hold data temporarily. Normally this data can be accessed faster than if it…
Microprocessors and peripheral devices provide a complete solution in enhancing complex application environments. In this article, we look at some…
Microprocessors perform operations on data stored in the register or memory. This data is specified in the operand field of…
Introduction Parallel processing, in which applications are partitioned into multiple tasks that are executed concurrently by multiple processors is used…
The Pentium processors have a 64-bit data bus which is a major advancement in personal computer CPU design. In actual…
A computer system uses memory elements for storing program instructions, data, and other information. From the perspective of the instruction…
Microprocessors perform various basic operations that include data transfer instructions, arithmetic instructions, logic instructions, control transfer instructions and machine control…
The 8085 Microprocessor is one of the most popular microprocessors. In this article we look at some of the basic…