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Category: Computer Architecture

  • SIMD, MISD & MIMD Multiple Processor Architectures

    Introduction Parallel processing, in which applications are partitioned into multiple tasks that are executed concurrently by multiple processors is used for high-throughput needs where even the single fastest computer cannot be good enough. Multiple processor system architectures differ widely in the number of processors used, the techniques in which applications are partitioned and mapped onto…

  • Computer Memory Organization

    A computer system uses memory elements for storing program instructions, data, and other information. From the perspective of the instruction set, a memory is an array of words, each identified by a unique address that indicates its location within the memory. In other words, each memory location is assigned a unique address that identifies a…

  • CPU Registers

    A register is basically an n-bit binary storage element. CPU registers are usually used to temporarily hold data and memory address values that might be required in the near future. Since registers are located within the CPU, they can be accessed more quickly and more efficiently than external memory. Furthermore, since the number of registers…

  • Computer Programming Model

    The programming model of a computer system refers to the assembly language programmer’s view of the system. From the programmer’s outlook, a computer is a collection of registers and memory for storing information, a set of instructions to manipulate data and control program flow, and various types of data that can be manipulated by the…

  • Digital Computer Hardware Organization

    What is a Digital Computer? A digital computer is a device capable of solving problems and manipulating information under the direction of a given program of instructions. The hardware of a digital computer is a set of digital logic circuits that receives information from one or more sources, processes this information, and sends the results…