John Mulindi

Flip-Flops in Digital Circuits

Since digital data is usually stored in the form bits, digital memory devices such as the computer random access memory…

11 months ago

How to Interface PIC Microcontroller to Input & Output Devices

In this article, we discuss how to interface the PIC microcontroller to various types of input and output devices. A…

12 months ago

Peripheral Devices used with Microprocessors

Microprocessors and peripheral devices provide a complete solution in enhancing complex application environments. In this article, we look at some…

12 months ago

6 Types of Microprocessor Addressing Modes

Microprocessors perform operations on data stored in the register or memory. This data is specified in the operand field of…

12 months ago

The MOV Instruction in Intel 8051 (MCS-51) Microcontroller

The MOV instruction tells the CPU to move (in actual fact COPY) the source operand to the destination operand. MOV…

12 months ago

SIMD, MISD & MIMD Multiple Processor Architectures

Introduction Parallel processing, in which applications are partitioned into multiple tasks that are executed concurrently by multiple processors is used…

12 months ago

The Pentium Series of Microprocessors

The Pentium processors have a 64-bit data bus which is a major advancement in personal computer CPU design. In actual…

12 months ago

How to Interface LCD Display to a Microcontroller

LCD crystal displays allow a better user interface compared with LED displays as it is much easier to display text…

12 months ago

Computer Memory Organization

A computer system uses memory elements for storing program instructions, data, and other information. From the perspective of the instruction…

12 months ago

Basic Microprocessor Instructions

Microprocessors perform various basic operations that include data transfer instructions, arithmetic instructions, logic instructions, control transfer instructions and machine control…

12 months ago